Our volunteers

We continue to talk about us. Volunteers of ICF “Family CLUB Matusia”, you are the best. Meet Natalia Tyurina. A resident of Donetsk. In 2014, together with her two sons, she came to Kyiv. At this difficult time, an active volunteer of our team. She is the author of the project “I’ll hug you” (Support for emotional state). In peacetime, we gathered every Saturday for ArtMATUSIA master classes conducted by Natalia. Yes, we live in difficult times, the war adjusts our plans, but we are confident of victory.


Collective creativity of our mothers. The foundation focuses its work on children and parents who need our support. Endurance and love, we are always together. Stay tuned!

Valentine’s day

Valentine’s day ready! До 14-го лютого готові! Прикраси своїми тендітними, жіночими руками зробили. То така прикраса, кулон на леске. Ми хотіли свята, ми його створили, ще і подарунки для себе, коханих красунь, зробили. Вдячні всім, хто з нами, хто допомогає та навчає, хто підтримує наші зустрічі, наші майстер-класи.